This competition will be based on designs around the theme of wings which will be used in their range of Silk and Silk/Wool Scarves. The winning design will be sold in TopShop as well as Beta Fashion's own online store.

6 designs will be chosen with winners receiving £50 (UK pounds) upfront as well as 10% of the sales revenue generates by the sale of the winner's design.

Beta Fashion's lovely description of their project:
Since the dawn of time humans have longed to take to the skies in flight and escape the shackles of day to day mundanity. The sight of birds soaring above our heads has often given rise to a sense of wonder and awe, which in turn has endowed such creatures with a certain elusive beauty, and perhaps femininity, that makes them unique to us. Taking flight analogies are commonly used to describe setting someone free from their own personal demons. In religious mythology wings have always been the sign of celestial beings, with imagery of God surrounded by angels with their beautiful white wings being set deep in the psyche of the Christian mind.

To learn more and submit your project, go here....Beta Fashion Competition

Project submission deadline: October 30, 2011.

Wing layout by FASHION VIGNETTE....


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